Pokemon Black
Pokemon White

Pokemon Black & White

Isshu Region

To be released in Japan on September 18th, 2010!

Pokemon Black & White are new games set to release in Japan on September 18th, 2010, and U.S. and Europe sin Spring 2011. The game seems to be completely 3D. The battle set up has the Pokemon's sprites entirely animated. Including when they attack, and being idle. The screen also pans out with the attacks correspondingly. The region that your hero travels in is called the Isshu Region. This is a very much anticipated game, and as new information is given, it will be posted here. Pokemon Black & White is a very new and advanced game. I'm sure everyone is very excited for this game.

There is a new feature called the C Cog, which allows you to play with various connection capabilities.

In Pokemon Black & White, there is a Global Terminal in the Pokemon Center called "Random Match." It says that you can play freely with people all over the coutry in Random Match Mode. Then in Spring 2011, foreign players can join.

Triple Battles are inroduced.
Pokemon Black & Pokemon White has officially been announced at Pokemon.com 5/28/2010. It is expected to hit the shelves Spring 2011!

Learn more about Pokemon Black & White here: